heard nothing for a long time, and then Colleen
Tucker , a member of the Artists’ Coalition and a Master
Gardener, asked me again, this time saying that the tour would be sponsored by
the Coalition, the Master Gardeners’ Association, and Viola’s. Once again, I innocently said that I would.
tour itself was a delight. On a Saturday
from 11:00 to 4:00 about 250 to 300 people roamed through our front and back
yards. Nothing was pulled up or stamped
on. No one was untoward. Everyone was well-behaved. Our dogs, Katrina and Petite, stayed
upstairs, out of the way and held it in until the last couple left. As Colleen Tucker
said, “The people were mellow.” I have
never been amongst such as pleasant and warm-hearted group of people as those
with whom Gretchen and I shared our garden.
We compared notes on gardening, failures, successes, and bafflements. In spite of being an old introverted curmudgeonly
Calvinist, I enjoyed everyone. Meine Űberfrau said to me afterwards, “See, I told you that you’d have a
good time.”
ago while standing in a bait shop at Convict Lake, California, at the end of
fishing season and the beginning of deer hunting season, the place was a mix of
fisherman and hunters. What a contrast
of personality types! The hunters were
more on edge, aggressive and the fishermen easy going, laid back.
are much like fisherman, save for the fact that they don’t spin elaborations on
the truth. Of course, some tomateers
tend to brag too much about the early date and size of their tomatoes, but they
can be forgiven that since growing tomatoes is an intense love affair betwixt
the gardener and the tomato plant. Worse
yet, it is always fraught with the possibility of heartbreak so that tomateers
are always on the edge of grief. Carrots
and beans don’t promise the possibility of catastrophe.
in the army as a young man, I was a Sergeant/Major in a unit of hunters. We hunted human beings, such as saboteurs, deserters,
and criminals, usually with the admonition of bringing them back alive. It was called counter-intelligence. We had the aggressive mentality of conquest,
of getting someone. Not so with fishermen
and gardeners. Fishermen engage in a
battle of wits with the wily trout, and it says something about human
intelligence the frequency with which the trout wins.
fact is that gardeners are fuguing on God’s themes embedded in the
creation. They’re not conquering or
mastering it, much less destroying it. They’re
elaborating. This fact shapes their
personalities. They are a happier lot.
© Dana Prom Smith 2014
Dana Prom Smith and Freddi Steele edit Gardening Etcetera for the Arizona Daily Sun. Smith emails at stpauls@npgcable.com and blogs at http://highcountrygardener.blogspot.com.
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