Answer: Well, full disclosure is always the right
thing, unless you want to keep a secret, like smoking pot in the boy’s restroom
at high school or cheating on your income taxes. Then you keep secrets.

A friend of mine
told me about picking weeds as a boy in California . The weeds were geraniums. His father sent him with a hoe and shovel to chop
geraniums. They exuded a sticky, whitish
gunk that got all over his skin and itched something fierce. His father got in there with him, and together
they hacked geraniums. Often, he took him
on expeditions along back country roads all over Southern
California looking for oak leaf mold. They’d come back home with large gunny sacks
filled with the stuff. He loved those
trips. Don’t use your boys to do just the scut work
of gardening, or your daughters, for that matter, if you have any. Include them in the fun times of
gardening. They’re not your employees.
Question: That’s all well and good, but my wife, Doris,
is a speed demon at spotting weeds. She even
uses their Latin scientific names. When
she spies some cheat grass, she’ll say, “Harry, pick those Bromus tectorum over by the sidewalk” or “Get Centaurea diffusa before it
goes to seed.” It’s like I’m some kind
of employee. If she really loved me,
she’d know about my aversion to weed picking without me having to tell her. I don’t know what to do. I feel so alone and confused.
Answer: Buck up! Don’t be a weed wimp. It sounds like Doris
runs your family. You’re probably
resisting her. I doubt she really likes to
pick weeds but does it because it’s the right thing to do. She sounds like “a-right-thing-to-do”
personality. Never ask your children to
do something you’re unwilling to do yourself.
In short, confess your sins and pick weeds with your sons, even making a
game of it, like giving them the names of people you and they dislike. I give my weeds the names of several plutocratic
politicians. That way you can dig out the
weeds, roots and all, with gusto.
Question: But what about Doris ? What should I tell her? I mean this whole feminist thing has really
taken hold of her. It’s almost like
she’s possessed. She’s so assertive. I don’t know what’s happened to her.

Copyright © Dana Prom Smith 2012
Dana Prom
Smith along with Freddi Steele edits Gardening Etcetera and emails at stpauls@npgcale.com This article appeared in the Arizona Daily Sun, 10/13/2012.
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